Embed tool

Bring your own content, we elevate it. Embed content into Helppier’s widget and give users the information they need.

Boost productivity and gather your favorite tools in one place.

Along with all the important stuff.  With Embed Tool you can now take support and training to another level, by providing on-page embeddable content for users or your team.

Get a free trial

Social Feeds

Get even more social. Users can now interact with your newest LinkedIn posts while browsing your website or platform!

Forms & Tickets

Let users contact you or download a new ebook even quicker. Attach forms and tickets to your website and build a better relationship with customers.


Users can schedule meetings, or check upcoming events without having to stop what they were doing on your platform.


Entertain users with an awesome video about your new product or support them with Youtube tutorials. Video is king in our digital era.


No one likes to search for information, have your FAQs page, PDF’s and Google Docs available on top of your website.


Embed as a URL Link

Integrate rich content that you find useful for your users. Get in touch with customers, provide support or share your latest news. You only need a URL.

Most webpages and tools provide an embed code, you can also copy the URL inside the code and paste it into Helppier’s custom content area to integrate more tools.

Let your imagination run

  • Documents
  • Blogs
  • Forum
Rich Media
  • Surveys
  • Audio
  • Maps
  • Events
  • Release Notes
  • Troubleshooting
Embed Tool

Why you should use it

Content is King

Combine our interactive guides with rich embeddable media to elevate customer service and make it stand out from the competition. Bring important stuff like Demo calendars and Youtube videos directly to users.

Contextual help

Integrate different types of support content such as PDF’s, FAQ’s, Presentations right on top of your website or application. Together with our interactive guides, users be able to will find the information  they need, right when they need it.

More productive

Tabs can really distract you and have a negative impact on your performance. Create an effective hub with your everyday tools and documents on top of your website or application. This way, you boost productivity and optimize workflows.

How it Works


Go to Helppier’s widget

Access our widget settings, click on “Add new tool” and select “Custom Content”.

Insert and edit your media

Copy the website’s url or the embed code's URL, and paste it into the area explained above. Then, edit your tool’s name, icon and add a description.

Be productive!

There you go. You can now be a multi-tasker or let your users be it.

Help users before they even ask.

Get a free trial for 14 days to try our features.